Deep Brain Stimulation: Treatment Offers a Reprieve for Some Parkinson's Disease Patients
Deep brain stimulation can alter the function of the targeted brain structure, significantly improving the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Read more »
Ambiguous Itching
Systemic illness, decline in normal immune function, medication intolerance, and dry skin can all contribute to annoying itch. The challenge lies in establishing an accurate diagnosis. Read more »
Short-Cycle Dispensing: New Age for Long Term Care?
The challenges of the new medicine-dispensing rule provide an ideal opportunity to evaluate operational processes to ensure increased teamwork and a safe, efficient, and effective medication process for the ultimate benefit of patients—and the bottom line. Read more » |
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A natural form of vitamin E can prompt the production of a brain protein that clears toxins from brain cells to prevent them from dying following a stroke. Researchers have noted the role of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1), which clears away a compound that can cause toxicity and cell death when it builds up in neurons as a result of the trauma of blocked blood flow associated with a stroke. Thus, vitamin E plays an important role in stroke patients.
Vitamin E occurs naturally in eight forms, and the study discussed in our E-News Exclusive centered on the tocotrienol form known as TCT. This familiar form of vitamin E belongs to a variety called tocopherols. Although it's not abundant in diets common in the United States, it is available in the form of a nutritional supplement. It's commonly found in the typical southeast Asian diet.
Research indicates that TCT taken orally influences production of MRP1 by elevating the activity of genes that make it. Tocotrienol's ability to protect neural cells and its antineurodegenerative properties hold promise for individuals who suffer from strokes.
Be sure to visit Aging Well's website at www.AgingWellmag.com. You'll find news and information that's relevant and reliable. We welcome your feedback at AWeditor@gvpub.com.
— Barbara Worthington, editor |
Form of Vitamin E Protects Brain Against Stroke
A natural form of vitamin E called alpha-tocotrienol can trigger the production of a protein in the brain that clears toxins from nerve cells, preventing those cells from dying after a stroke, according to new research appearing online in Stroke.
This natural substance, one of three mechanisms this form of vitamin E uses to protect brain cells after a stroke, may be more potent than drugs targeting single mechanisms for preventing stroke damage, according to Ohio State University scientists who have studied the nutrient for more than a decade.
These researchers previously reported that the tocotrienol form of vitamin E protects the brain after a stroke by blocking an enzyme from releasing toxic fatty acids and inhibiting the activity of a gene that can lead to neuron death.
Vitamin E occurs naturally in eight different forms. This research is focused on the tocotrienol form, also known as TCT. The commonly known form of vitamin E belongs to a variety called tocopherols. TCT is not abundant in the American diet but is available as a nutritional supplement. It is a common component of a typical southeast Asian diet.
Full Story » |
New Toilet Inside Tub Offers Help for Elders
MasterCare Patient Equipment, Inc has introduced the new Toileting Option Inside a Tub, a bathing option that features a means to toilet a patient inside the bath prior to bathing. The equipment eliminates problematic transfers on and off a toilet while offering a dignified solution to incontinence.
In long term care facilities, numerous residents may experience incontinence while bathing or showering, triggered by introducing warm water. As a result, the entire bath surface becomes contaminated. Staff members must then remove the wet patient, clean and sanitize the bath, and restart the entire bathing process. This toileting option creates a more efficient and sanitary means of addressing the incontinence problem. Learn more »
Intel-GE Care Innovations Targets Social Isolation in Older Adults
Intel-GE Care Innovations Connect seeks to reduce elder patients’ social isolation. It works via a digital device for a patient’s residence and an online interface for a professional caregiver to securely access a patient’s wellness data. Clinicians can respond promptly to problematic issues. The device combines numerous wellness surveys, brain fitness games, medication compliance reminders, and social networking tools that help enhance elders’ health and well-being. Learn more »
Symplicity Catheter System Treats Resistant Hypertension
The FDA has conditionally approved Medtronic’s protocol for SYMPLICITY HTN-3, the company’s U.S. clinical trial of renal denervation with the Symplicity Catheter System, for the treatment of resistant hypertension. The system facilitates renal denervation, a minimally invasive procedure that modulates the output of the sympathetic nerves located outside the renal artery walls. It consists of a proprietary generator and a flexible catheter. The catheter is introduced through the femoral artery in the upper thigh and is threaded into the renal artery near each kidney. Once in place, the tip of the catheter delivers low-power radio-frequency energy to modulate the surrounding sympathetic nerves. The procedure does not involve a permanent implant. Learn more » |
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